No Condom

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Chop Life, Vol. 1: Mzansi Chronicles, is a project by the award-winning Nigerian Afro-fusion music sensation, together with his newly launched label, ChopLife SoundSystem. The album which was released in the year 2023, is a must-have in your playlist.

This compilation project comes fully equipped with fourteen well-curated soundtracks, blending on 'Amapiano', the genre that’s exploded out of South Africa’s dance music underground to become a global splendor.


Uy'thanda kanjani (thanda kanjani)
Aw uy'thanada kanjan (no condom)
Uy'thanda kanjani (thanda thanda kanjani)
Aw uy'thanada kanjan (no condom)
Aww uythanda kanjan
Thanda kanjan
Uythanda kanjani
Thanda kanjan
Uythanda kanjani no condom (no condom)
Aww uythanda kanjan
Thanda kanjan
Uythanda kanjani
Thanda kanjan
Uythanda kanjani no condom (no condom)
Athi ngiktshele nana hlala la bath I Mnandi fabulous
Faki terminal suku takalane khona aboghalakatshan
Bade lami intwane
Ncane isAbaphethe sharp
Bheka Nanamanje abathakathi bayakhabakhaba suki
Yakayaka DlalA Mnandi yenzi Nyakanyaka
Bayakhalaza Mtanami Susi vuruva bayacakana
MadZala ngish amayaka net soh net soh baythayanda
Net Sooh
Labantwana bayfuna netsooh
Net Sooh labantwana bayfuna netsooh
Net Sooh labantwana bayfuna netsooh
Net Sooh labantwana bayfuna netsooh
Enter the place no condom
She wan trap me
Hit and run
Enter the place no condom
She wan trap me
Hit and run
Enter the place no condom
She wan trap me
Hit and run
Enter the place no condom
She wan trap me
Hit and run (And all my girly them dey say)
E sweet o
E sweet o
E sweet o
E sweet o
E sweet o
E sweet o
E sweet o
E sweet o
Usefika usengbuza ngiythanda kanjani
Usefika usengbuza ngiythanda kanjani
Usefika usengbuza ngiythanda kanjani
Usefika usengbuza ngiythanda kanjani
Ngithanda mawungithinta thinta, bawNgibamba bamba, ehhe
Ngithanda mawungithinta thinta, bawNgibamba bamba, ehhe
Ngithanda mawungithinta thinta, bawNgibamba bamba, ehhe
Ngithanda mawungithinta thinta, bawNgibamba bamba, ehhe

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